Odisha, a state located in the south-eastern part of India, is known globally to be affected by natural calamities and stricken with poverty due to its geographical and economic situation.damaged by natural causes and is developing gradually with the passage of time under the supervision of the Government. The ratio of Muslims residing in this state is barely around 2-5% from the whole population. Muslims residing in this state however struggle hard to support themselves financially in order to lead a standard life with their fellow beings. Religion along with Education is mandatory for every human being in order to advance and step forward in life and Muslims in this state are facing great difficulties to achieve this goal. Muslims residing in this state face great difficulties in acquiring the correct knowledge of Islam and get affected by other misleading beliefs which damage their true faiths and indulge them in getting involved in Non-Islamic Activities.

JAMIA ASHRAFUL ULOOM, an Islamic Institution in the state providing quality Islamic Education was founded in the year 1937 in the city of Kendrapara in this state of Odisha in India and it continued as a temporary Center for the Memorization of Quran for a few years. It was unfortunately closed for some years and again re-opened in the year 1984 and was started as an Islamic Madrasa. Currently it is registered at Collectorate, Kendrapara under the Societies Registration Act No. XXI of 1860 vide Registration No. CTC/4707/364 of 1986-1987, dated. 22.12.1986 as a full flourished Residential Islamic College.

Our Mission

What the Jamia offers To spread the Light of Knowledge Our mission Is to offer high quality education dedicated to building minds With conviction, integrity, social and moral responsibility We are committed to educating the students beyond the confines of a class room to make them better individuals and develop the responsibilities, enabling them to face the challenges of the modern world

Our Vision

Islamic Studies comprising of Quranic Studies, Hadith and Islamic Jurisprudence along with Reading and Memorization of Quran is been taught in the Jamia. In addition, Secular and Modern Education along with Computer and Vocational Education is also an essential part of the curriculum. The Institution affiliated to the famous Islamic University with "Darul Uloom Deoband".Aligarh Muslim University, Jamia Millia Islamia University Delhi, Molana Azad National Urdu University Hyderabad, Odisha State Board of Madrasa Education Bhubaneswar and other Prestigious Academic Boards.

Aims & Objectives

Currently, Jamia has a residential campus for boys. More than 500 boys mostly coming from very poor families are enrolled in different courses in Jamia. The Institution provides them financial aid including dining and stationary needs. It also runs a campus hospital named JAMIA HOSPITAL for the medical needs of the students and the poor and needy people residing nearby


Alhamdulillah by the grace of the Supreme Authority and under the supervision of AL-FAROOQUE EDUCATIONAL TRUST with the guidance and vigorous efforts of Maulana Md.Farooque Qasmi, a complete and qualitative syllabi of Traditional Islamic Studies comprising of Quranic Studies, Hadith and Islamic Jurisprudence along with Reading and Memorization of Quran is been taught in the Jamia under the supervision of Great Scholars Maulana Gulam Muhammad Vastanvi, Rector of Jamia Ishaatul Uloom, Akkalkuwa and Molana Ibrahim Sb Pandor . Renowned Scholars within the Country and abroad have paid visits to this Institution and blessed with their amazing thoughts and suggestions for the advancement of the Jamia. The Institution affiliated to the famous Islamic University in the sub-continent "Darul Uloom Deoband" has various departments in its campus with highly experienced teachers bearing good qualifications. In addition, Secular and Modern Education along with Computer and Vocational Education is also an essential part of the curriculum. Jamia is also recognised for admission at the Prestigious Aligarh Muslim University, Jamia Millia Islamia Delhi, Molana Azad National Urdu University Hyderabad, Odisha State board of Madrasa Education bhubaneswar and other Prestigious Academic Boards.

Moral Education

JAMIA ASHRAFUL ULOOM providing complete and qualitative syllabi of Traditional Islamic Studies comprising of Quranic Studies, Hadith and Islamic Jurisprudence along with Reading and Memorization of Quran

Modern Education

JAMIA ASHRAFUL ULOOM providing Secular and Modern Education along with Computer and Vocational Education is also an essential part of the curriculum.

Female Education

A complete and Qualitative course of To improve Tahfizul Quran , Deeniyat, Momina Education & Madrasa Education (General & Islamic Education).


promote and safeguard the "Iman and Aquida" of the little Muslim Children and to built up their career in the light of Islamic structure an School of English Medium has been functioning where the little students are reading all subjects with Diniyat as a special subject.To provide value oriented, skill based ,child interested quality education for the children of the eduvcationalaity backward committee


JAMIA ASHRAFUL ULOOM also runs a campus hospital named JAMIA HOSPITAL for the medical needs of the students and the poor and needy people residing nearby.


JAMIA ASHRAFUL ULOOM, working under registered charitable trust in various area like Education, Skill development, Medical, Health, Nutrition, water, Sanitation, Environment, Housing, Livelihood, Women, Children, Scholarship, Sponsorship, Orphan care, Widow care & Relief.


Contact Us


Jamia Ashraful Uloom,
At-Mahmoodabad (Goudagopa)

Phone Number

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